15 September 2010

NY Republican Lemmings

I understand disgust with Albany, I really do. But my biggest issue is with voters who are impressed by multi-millionaires who come on with lots of fiery rhetoric but who, if one takes even two minutes to research (and — gosh — THINK) for oneself, are clearly despicable candidates.

So you vote for someone because you heard them say they will take a baseball bat to Albany. I can see how this violent allegorical threat to shake up the entrenched legislature has its appeal. But you make zero effort to really look into the guy.

Well, this is who you just nominated, NYS Republicans:
[Carl P. Paladino's win over Rick Lazio] was a potentially destabilizing blow for New York Republicans. It put at the top of the party’s ticket a volatile newcomer who has forwarded e-mails to friends containing racist jokes and pornographic images, espoused turning prisons into dormitories where welfare recipients could be given classes on hygiene, and defended an ally’s comparison of the Assembly speaker, Sheldon Silver, who is Jewish, to “an Antichrist or a Hitler.”
Paladino's victory speech is one of the funniest things I've ever read. He poured his own money into his campaign, outspending Lazio 3 to 2. Yet this guy who had a cool $3 million with which to buy this election portrays himself as someone ready to lead the "people" against "the ruling class."
“We are mad as hell,” Mr. Paladino said in a halting but exuberant victory speech in Buffalo shortly after 11 p.m. “New Yorkers are fed up. Tonight the ruling class knows. They have seen it now. There is a people’s revolution. The people have had enough.”

Congratulations, 'Pubs. I cannot wait to fill in the little dot next to Cuomo's name, knowing that I will get my wish while you all follow Paladino off the cliff.

1 comment:

  1. I heard about this. Scary stuff. Its happening all over the country and I am deeply concerned.
