I actually feel like throwing up. I cannot add a comment about this pastor's opinions and hateful behavior as leader of a spiritual community, I'll just let his actions speak for him. I am so sad. That is my reaction on a personal level.
But let's look at this from a legal standpoint. After all, Law is what sets civilized countries apart from barbaric or totalitarian states, right?
I'm tired of the debate with regard to Park51 centering on the Constitution. Don't get me wrong, I love the Constitution. But people who do not live here have adopted this question of the Park51 community center and made it into a national issue to be scrutinized somehow in the light of Constituional Law.
Well let me help you all out with a *fact*. The Constitution has absolutely no governance over activities in a building in New York City. The only applicable laws would be New York City zoning code. And Park51 is not in violation of anything in New York City zoning code. Therefore ... THERE IS NO LEGAL BASIS FOR PROHIBITING THE PARK51 COMMUNITY CENTER FROM BEING DEVELOPED. Period! End of story! Shut up already!
What's really getting to me is that people who live hundreds or thousands of miles away from Ground Zero, people who have no idea of what works and does not work in New York City, people who would likely refuse to ride the subways here for fear of the density, diversity, creativity, and especially of the racial and ethnic composition of New Yorkers, people who actually couldn't give a flying fadoodle about New York City and think that it is an evil town full of sinners and criminals ... these same people are the ones opining loudly that "the Ground Zero Mosque" does not belong where it is planned and is "insensitive".
Islamophobes, Butt The Hell Out Of NYC's Business. Your opinion doesn't count for anything here. It might seem strange to you, but the closer the polled population lives to Ground Zero, the MORE people think the community center and mosque should just move forward as planned.
This is our home, 9/11 and the aftermath is something we went through first-hand while you watched your TV commentators, and you just have no clue that what makes NYC great and what keeps us all getting along here is that we live and shop and commute and work and pray-or-don't and send our kids to school right alongside of each other here. All types of us, all colors, all economic classes, all countries of origin, all races, all religions.
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