20 January 2009

Inaugural B&W crepes

Creamy pale bananas and rich chocolate make this a perfect breakfast or snack this week, LOL.

Serves 2 banana & chocolate freaks. If you make this into 2 crepes like I did, they are humongous. But you'll still wish you had more.

-- a bar of Green & Black's Organic 70% cocoa.
-- 1 c organic unbleached white flour
-- 1 c + about 2T organic 2% milk (untested: substitute unflavored soy milk)
-- 1 egg from a happy, veggie hen (in my book, if the egg has the telltale "fertilized" bloodspot, that was a happy hen)
-- 3 organic bananas
-- decent cooking oil (do yourself a favor & avoid saturated fat, k?)

2. In a mixing bowl, beat the egg and add to it one cup of milk. Slowly add the cup of flour, whisking constantly, until the mixture is very smooth

3. Put half a bar of the chocolate into the top of a double-boiler. Add 2 T of milk. Over a gentle heat, don't forget while doing the below steps to keep checking it. It should just melt slowly, it should NOT simmer. Whisk occasionally.

4. Peel and slice the bananas. Heat up some oil in a frying pan to a nice high temp.

5. Toss the bananas around in the pan long enough to sear the outsides (to a toasty brown color, not charred!). Remove the bananas from the pan.

6. Heat up a 10-12 inch frying pan (or crepe pan if you have one) with a light coating of oil, medium heat. Pour half the batter in a spiral; tilt the pan to nearly cover the bottom. Let it sit over the heat until the top is dry and the edges are very slightly golden-brown. Flip with a spatula and let the other side heat for a minute or so. Slip it out of the pan onto a plate.

7. Spoon half of the bananas in a stripe near one side of the crepe. Roll it up. Generously drizzle the chocolate on it.

8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for the second crepe.

If you have extra chocolate in the double-boiler, pour it over a peeled banana or some strawberries. Put them in the freezer for a bit, then move to the fridge.

Clean-up tip for the fried-banana pan (and for any kind of mess in a pan or on the stovetop): Put in about 1" of water, bring to a simmer, sprinkle baking soda over the entire surface of the water, simmer a bit more, sprinkle more baking soda and shut the heat off. It will clean up easily after it cools.

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